knock down to build up

Sometimes it is so hard to see how to get from A to Z, to train for and run the (metaphorical or literal) marathon. Even when we know deep in our hearts that Z is where we want to end up, we allow the list of obstacles, challenges, and reasons (whether they are real or not) to get so long and looming that we get overwhelmed and justify why we shouldn’t trudge through the mud and get to the starting line.

…But sometimes there is a little voice that makes us want to continue. The little voice that keeps nagging, keeps reminding us why it is important to dust off, try again, get back in the ring, and move forward.

The closing of Yoga Haven in March of 2020 was a deep loss. It felt like a slow dissolution of a community, a family, and cherished sacred spaces that left a void for many of us. But the dust has settled, and it is now time to get back up and once again make our way to the starting line. We had to knock down and deconstruct in order to arrive at this moment, ready to build back up and begin anew.  

This week was BIG. Quite literally we knocked down the walls, ripped up the floors, and opened up the ceilings to reveal the “bones” of what will be our new sacred community space. As we tear down what was, we make room, and the creative energy starts to flow again. We can feel it. Paint colors are being chosen, people are (re)connecting, ideas are flowing, and with all of this a greater sense of hope, love, and joy rises above the rubble. We’ll see you at the finish line. 

Yoga Haven will reopen this spring!


self care as we spring ahead


(re)creating our “third place”