(re)creating our “third place”

As we lay plans for reopening Yoga Haven, we find ourselves coming back to the concept of the “third place.” According to the sociological framework we could describe our “first place” as our home, the place we live day-to-day.  If we work outside the home or go to school, this would be our “second place.” And finally, our “third place” would be that place sitting outside home/school/work where we would choose to show up, congregate, meet others in a light social manner, hang out with people who share similar interests, and either socially engage, or just observe.

When the restrictions of COVID-19 set in, many of us lost our second place when work and school became remote. And most of our experiences of a third place were either lost or went virtual. Yet with widespread pandemic restrictions in our rear view, for many of us our third place remains online. We are continuing to engage socially through virtual gatherings, and not venture out to come together in person. We see not only yoga classes online, but also trainings, cooking classes, social events, spiritual experiences, and retreats. It’s amazing how these experiences continue to thrive and grow. Many report appreciating the easy access (not having to get out of our pajamas, or into our cars) to participate. And for some, these on-line connections help combat loneliness, and create access to experiences that were not locally available before.  

Yet sociologists and psychologists tell us that we are increasingly living in a lonely society.  Loneliness and isolation contribute to mental health issues, and mental health issues can contribute to many physical health issues. Speaking from my (Betsy’s) personal experience, I know for a fact that the loss of the two Yoga Haven studios had a major effect on my emotional state, which in turn impacted my physical state. During the past year I have made it a point to participate in retreats and workshops where large groups of people were practicing yoga, breathwork, and meditation together in the same space. I enter into these experiences quite overwhelmed physically and emotionally, but in the presence of others, slowly the dust starts to settle. I so appreciate these third place experiences, I don’t necessarily need to talk to anyone to enjoy the benefits of these interactions. I just need to hang out, observe, notice, pay attention, absorb…and I start to have a more fulfilling experience than I do day-to-day.  I begin to feel a small collective sense of ease, a sense that the world is not ending, as I take in the glimpses of joy in the faces around me. I feel my nervous system re-regulating, my endurance building, my sleep improving, and I know I am not the only one in the room feeling this way.  The “data” is undeniable…huge smiling faces, enormous amounts of hugging, and people interested in connecting on a deeper, more thoughtful level.

As we embark on the journey of re-opening Yoga Haven, we are committed to creating a third place for our beloved community. We will come together again to practice, share, celebrate, commiserate, and simply breathe the same air. We can’t wait.


knock down to build up


come back to connection